Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 1st - Put Your Best Foot Forward into the New Year!

Happy 2012!
January 1st is nice and easy - it's New Year's Day! There is no better way to ring in the new year than with a bunch of your nearest and dearest friends. We were fortunate to spend the weekend with our college friends of 26+ years. Five adults, six kids and a Swiss cowbell ushered in the new year. Favorite memory: Mark running up and down the street ringing the cowbell and yelling, "Follow me to 2012!" Classic.

Spence and Vanessa toasting
our first official celebration of 2012!

[BLOG DISCLAIMER #1: There are lots of holidays out there. More than I realized! So we have done a lot of picking and choosing. Some days there may be one, somedays three - whatever floats our boat. But rest assured most days there are plenty to choose from. I will post some links tomorrow if you want to check it out and play along. Hey, the more the merrier!]

January 1st is also "First Foot Day". According to Scottish folklore, the first person to cross a home's threshold on new year's day brings good fortune. That's the Cliff Notes version. To learn more, read here. It's interesting stuff. So in the spirit of my highland ancestors we all "first-footed" when we returned home from our holiday weekend. Perhaps tripling our good fortune for the coming year??

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