Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 4th - I Scream, You Scream...

we all scream for...ICE CREAM! Saturday, February 4th, was Ice Cream For Breakfast Day! We were so excited that this holiday fell on a Saturday so we could hang out and really enjoy this Buehlman family first. We like to introduce good people to each other so why not introduce two of our favorite things to each other?

Eggo, may we introduce you to Edy; Edy please meet our good friend Eggo.

Sweet mother of all things carbohydrate, those are the new Thick 'n Fluffy Eggos and they are fan-freak-a-deak-in-tabulous.

We are quite the matchmakers. This was a marriage made in all-things-delicious heaven...

So good.

As if our day wasn't sweet enough it was also "Thank a Mail Man Day." (Or to be politically correct, "Mail Carrier Day".) Either way, we wanted to thank the lovely men and women who bring bills, junk mail and, most importantly, the sacred Crate and Barrel catalog to our home through rain, sleet and the very rare snow.

I wrote a little card explaining the occasion and we threw in a little sweet treat too (hello! ice cream!). This was so much fun it made me wonder why we waited for a holiday to do it. A thank you and surprise treat for the wonderful service providers in our lives needs to happen more often.

So into the mailbox it went.

We were hoping to do a personal hand-off but we were not sure we would catch our mail carrier; they are tricky like that. We came home from running a quick errand to find this in our mailbox...

Ok, so it's backwards, but you get the drift. A sweet little "thank you" with smiley face. It was so nice. I am definitely feeling more random acts of kindness are needed. Perhaps "365 Random Acts of Kindness" for next year's blog? There aren't enough smiley faces in the world; it's time to do something about that.

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